The Loews Hotel in Kansas City is an 800-guestroom luxury hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. Currently, the largest hotel in the city and located next to the Kansas City Convention Center, Loews is positioned to be the hotel of choice for large conferences and conventions, as well as a getaway for discerning travelers. To meet the brand expectations of its customers and of the surrounding neighborhood, Loews sought out a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to metal mesh for its adjacent parking garage.
FlexFacades by Structurflex developed a multi-faceted, cost-effective solution centered around tensile mesh materials that boast a 50% ventilation rate. This allows the parking garage to remain cool in hotter months and does not require a separate ventilation system. We also used this same ventilated mesh system to create a rooftop mechanical screen. A combination of FlexFacades Cladding Screens and Steel Framework resulted in a solution that compliments the hotel’s modern design and creates a point of visual interest for passersby. Additionally, the flexible design allows for the material to be changed out over time to take advantage of civic branding or public art opportunities.